MP Board Class 11th English Book Solutions A Voyage, The Spectrum Chapter 1 Patriotism 12 The Frog and the Nightingale- NCERT पर आधारित Text Book Questions and Answers Notes, pdf, Summary, व्याख्या, वर्णन में बहुत सरल भाषा का प्रयोग किया गया है.
MP Board Class 11th English A Voyage Solutions Chapter 12 The Frog and the Nightingale
I. Separate the following names into the three columns:
loon, teal, tiddler. nightingale, heron. tuna. swan, goose. swallow trout, hem. minnow; graving. coot
Bird Fish Duck
swallow tiddler
minnow loon
Find at least one quality for each of them and write in a sentence of your own
Loon: It eats fish and cries like a laugh.
Teal: It is a small wild bird with bluish green colour.
Tiddler: It is a very small fish,
Nightingale: It is a small singing bird.
Heron: It is a large bird with a long neck and long legs living near water.
Tuna: It is a large sea-fish that is used for food,
Swan: It is a large bird with a long thin neck living on or near water.
Goose: It is a bird like a large duck with a long neck.
Swallow: It is a small migratory bird with a forked tail.
Trout: It is fresh water fish valued as food.
Minnow: It is a small fish of carp family.
Coot: It is a black bird with a white forehead and a beak that lives on or near water.
II. What are the specific musical qualities related with these words.
Explain by using them in sentences of your own: trills, panache, mozart, serenade, baritone, blare, cacophony, carol, melody, minstrel, croak
Trills: The trills in his voice always makes his expression contusing.
Panache: I like his panache tone.
Mozart: The bird took the frog to be the Mozart.
Serenade: The singers serenaded on the programme.
Baritone: The frog’s baritone had put the whole bog disgusting.
Blare: The blaring tone of the musician made me bored.
Cacophony: Today people are always harassed by cacophony on all occasions.
Carol: I was really moved to listen to the carol.
Melody: The nightingale is a bird of melody.
Minstrel: The nightingale’s minstrel put an unforgettable impact.
Croak: The frog croaked and croaked without caring the objections the others creatures.
A. Read the following lines and write their explanation:
(a) And the crass cacophony Blared out from the sumac tree At whose foot the frog each night Minstrelled on till morning light.
The poet is speaking the truth that the croaking of a frog is always unpleasant and coarse. The other creatures hated the croaking of the frog. The sole motive till now is that the frog is enjoying his own rancous croaking.
(b) Neither stones nor prayers nor sticks. Insult or complaints or bricks Stilled the frog’s
determination .To display his heart’s elation.
The other creatures got fed up with the frog’s as song. They used request, insult, complaint, stones, sticks and bricks to quieter the frog. But nothing could stop the frog from singing. The frog was wholly determined to sing all night.
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(c) And the sumac tree was bowed
With a breathless, titled crowd:
Owl of Sandwich, Duck of Kent,
Mallard and Milady Trent,
Martin Cardinal Mephisto,
And the Coot of Monte Cristo.
Ladies with tiaras glittering
In the interval sat twittering
And the frog observed them glitter
With a joy both sweet and bitter.
When the nightingale’s show began all the creatures from far off lands came to enjoy it. All classes of creatures, common and dignified like Owl of Sandwich, Duck of Kent, Mallard and Milady Trent, Martin Cardinal Mephisto came there. Coot of Monte Crist and ladies with all glittering tiaras were also not behind. The frog was overjoyed to see such a dignified large audience. He was happy to see the prospect of high earning and jealous of the nightingale’s song.
Poetic Device
Read yourself and observe the given pattern in the poem.
Speaking Activity
Read the following poem about a spider and see how beautifully the poet describes the craftiness of the spider (see the poem in the text book page – 97)
In these lines the spider has been portrayed as a clever creature. It has all the malicious attitude. It tries to tempt the fly in all possible ways. It is a sweet-tongued devil who knows and applies all the alluring technique oh the fly.
Writing Activity
Question 1.
What fantasy aspects are there in the poem ‘The Frog and the Nightingale’?
The poem ‘The frog and the nightingale’ is full of fantasy. The story itself is a fantasy. There is a fancy world of Bingle Bog where animals and insects are shown to be behaving like human beings. Everything is set in such a manner that they appear to be real. Singing of the frog, protest of the other creatures, concert of the nightingale etc. all are fantasies. It is a fact the poet has presented as a real life situation and modem trend of human world through this poem. It is a satire which enlivens and ridicules the fact that in today’s world good and talented people lose all race while the undeserving and malicious people rule over us.
Question 2.
Do animals really talk to one another? How do you know? Find an example and write a paragraph about it?
Animals talk but not in a common language as we use. They have their own language. We have incidents of such talkings in fairy tales or in our old religious books in which animals were given super powers. The most prominent of them can be seen in the story of Ramayan in which monkeys, beards, birds and a lot of many such creatures talk and behave like human beings. They helped Purushottam Ram conquering Ravaha.
Read the following poem on frogs and answer the questions that follow:
See the poem in the text book pages 97-98
- What is that human beings cannot beat? And why?
- What do you understand by chorus and why is it repeated in this poem? What is the purpose of a chorus?
- Is the poet making fun of the frogs? Compare this with the poem by Vikram Seth.
- Write about the frog who sat in a swampy spot.
- Why does the poet say that ‘the world is ruled by its chorus frogs’? Give two examples from the poem to prove yours point.
- Can we call the poem a parody? Give examples for your argument.
Answer: - Human beings cannot beat the frog’s chorus because it has double bass and heightened pitch of its sound.
- Chorus is a song in a group. It is repeated in this poem to show the prominence of the frog’s singing. Its purpose is to put special effect on the audience.
- The poet here makes fun of the frog no doubt, but he also puts forth the lacking of the human world. There is something in our world that makes us slack and we fail to determine. Hence, the stupid rule over us. The whole system is being corrupted. The same thing has been presented through Vikram Seth’s poem in which he highlights how innocents are trapped by the idiots and malicious people. It is all because we are not conscious.
- The frog sitting in a swampy spot is green one. It seems to be the wisest one. He command’s everything and resolves to set the rotten world right.
- The poet says it to show that bad trend prevails -in our society. Good things have been silenced. The example in the poem are:
Tenor singers were out of place.
The world is rotten, of cursed plight.
- The poem can be called a parody for there are many similarities in the both the poem,
There are frogs in both the poems.
Frogs sing in moonlight.
Both the frogs are determined to beat the whole race.
They are unaffected to any outer protest.
In both the poems the poets establish the fact that the under serving rule us and claim to be the superpowers.
Watch closely any pet or bird you fancy and write a few lines about it in the form of a poem/chorus. Think of a rhyme scheme and follow it through out your poem. Share your poem with the class and comment on the poems (critically appreciate) written by your classmates.
Do yourself.
The Frog and the Nightingale Summary in English
Once upon a time a frog lived in a place called Bingle Bog. This place was very wet and muddy. The frog used to croak all night from his hole. His voice was very unpleasant. All the birds and beasts of the place hated his singing. But they felt helpless. They could not check him from croacking.
The frog was a thick skinned, and obstinate creature. No amount of public requests or stone-throwing could stop him from expressing his joy through his loud noise. He was expert musician of that area. One night there arrived a sweet bird nightingale. She sang sweetly and created sensation in the area with her melodious notes. In fact, all the creatures admired her melodious notes.
Her song attracted a host of listeners. The water fowls-ducks and herons walked out of the water. Toads, small ducks and fishes also felt the magic of her voice. They broke into loud applause. They called her song heavenly and requested her to sing once more. It was the first time that she had received so much public attention and cheering. So she sang on and on without a break till day break.
Next night, again the nightingale prepared herself for her singing session. She gave a jerk to her head and tail. She closed her eyes puffed out her feather and cleared her throat. Just then she heard a voice. Startled she turned to the frog. He leapt out of the mud and introduced himself as the master of that tree. In self-praise he said that he was a well-known musician and art-critic.
The nightinagale was taken in by his tall claims. She wanted to know his view about her song. He Remarked like a critic that her song-was not very had, but it had some defects also. It was far too long and it did not have force. He admired technique all right. She felt flattered to hear the judgment of a greaty critic who had cared to discuss her art and voice. She said very humbly that she would not claim heavenly sweetness in her song, she could not change it. It was at least unique.
Emboldened by her humility, the frog made some more remarks about her song. He told her that she must not take pride in the fact that her song was original and her won. She needed training, otherwise she would not make any improvement. He was the best tutor and he was ready to give her the training. The nightingale could’t believe for a while that the offer was genuine. She welcomed the offer gratefully and compared him to the German music composer-Mozart who had come-to her in a new form. The frog, however, clarified that he would charge a small fee which won’t hurt her.
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The nightingale, after this discussion with the frog, was filled with full confidence. The appreciation of her art and the public attention made her sing, with great spirit. She became a great star. Animals from far and near rushed to hear her magical music sound. The frog acting as her manager charged admission fee from them.
The weather was wet the following morning. The frog arrived for imparting her training. She submitted that singing in that bad weather would not suit her throat. But the frog overruled her objection. He offered to sing with her. He advised her to put a scarf round her neck for protection against cold. She could not see through his wicked game. The two sang together for six hours, till her voice became very rough and shaky. By evening her sore throat showed a very little improvement.
She was short of sleep and feeling very unwell. Nevertheless she agreed to sing because a large crowd of ducks, owl and others had already assembled around the tree. She could not disappoint her fans. The frog watched the audience with a mixed feeling of joy and envy.
Every night became a musical night. The frog encashed the bird’s popularity. He made money and scolder her still. He told her to practise longer and longer and sing louder until her song grew was strong as his own. He pointed out that she had got nervous in her second song the previous night She should try to sing two musical notes one after the other, quickly because the audience liked it. He told her to give to her audience what they asked for and enjoyed most. It was very necessary for collecting bigger amounts. He hinted in the end that she still owed him six shillings.
The strain of long practice and singing was too much for the delicate bird. She grew sad and pale. The quality of her voice and her song went down. The audience started feeling bored. Many of them stopped coming to her. The earnings fell. But more than the money, it was a shock to her ego. Her ears had become used to hearing clapping, and she could no more enjoy singing alone into the night. Her slackness was resented by the frog. He scolded her and called her stupid.
He urged her to sing more loudly according to public demand. The poor bird trembled to think of her rejection by her fans. She decided to sing with utmost passion and force. As a result, one of her veins burst and she fell dead on the stage.
The Frog and the Nightingale Summary in Hindi
एक समय एक मेंढक विंगला बौग नामक स्थान पर रहता था। यह स्थान बहुत गीला तथा दलदली था। मेंढ़क सारी रात सुमक वृक्ष के नीचे अपने बिल से टर्र-टर्र किया करता था। उसकी आवाज बहुत बुरी थी। उस स्थान के सभी पक्षी और पशु उसके गायन से घृणा करते थे। किन्तु वे स्वयं को विवश पाते थे। वे उसके शोर को रोक नहीं सकते थे। मेंढ़क एक मोटी चमड़ी वाला, हठी प्राणी था। जनता के निवेदन अथवा पत्थरबाजी उसे अपने शोर द्वारा मन की खुशी व्यक्त करने से रोक नहीं सके। वह उस क्षेत्र का कुशल संगीतज्ञ था।
एक रात वहाँ एक मीठे गाने वाली बुलबुल आकर बैठ गई उसने बहुत मधुर गीत गाया तथा उस क्षेत्र में एक हलचल पैदा कर दी। सभी पशु-पक्षी उसके मधुर स्वर को सुनकर बहुत खुश हो गए। मेंढक ने भी उसे सुना और मूक रह गया। वास्तव में सभी जीवों ने उसकी खूब प्रशंसा की तथा तालियाँ बजाई जब बुलबुल का गायन पूरा हुआ। उसके गीत ने श्रोताओं का जमघट लगा दिया। पानी के पक्षी बत्तख तथा बगुले भी बाहर निकल आये। केवल एक मूर्ख अकेला चांदनी में रोता रहा। छोटी बत्तखों तथा मछलियों ने भी उसके स्वर का जादू अनुभव किया। वे भी उसकी प्रशंसा करने लगे। उन्होंने उसके गायन का स्वर्गिक कहा तथा उसने एक बार पुनः गीत गाने का अनुरोध किया। जीवन में पहली बार बुलबुल
को इतनी प्रशंसा प्राप्त हुई थी, इस कारण वह सुबह तक निरन्तर गाती रही। अगली रात बुलबुल ने पुनः गाने की तैयारी की। उसने अपने सिर तथा पूंछ को झटका दिया। एक आँख बंद की, अपने पंखों को फैलाया, तथा अपना गला साफ किया। तभी उसे एक आवाज सुनाई दी। चौंक कर उसने मेंढक की ओर देखा। मेंढ़क दलदल से उछलकर बाहर आ गया तथा उसने अपना परिचय दिया कि वह उस वृक्ष का मालिक है। आत्मप्रशंसा में वह बोला, “मैं प्रसिद्ध गायक तथा पत्रकार अथवा कला समीक्षक हूँ और कभी-कभी ‘बाग ट्रम्पेट’ नामक पत्रिका में लेख लिखता रहता हूँ।” बुलबुल उसके दावे को सही मान बैठी. उसने जानना चाहा कि उसके गायन के बारे में उसके आलोचक की क्या राय है? मेंढक ने एक अनुभवी समलोचक की भाँति उत्तर दिया, “तुम्हारा गायन बुरा नहीं है, इसमें
कुछ कमियाँ हैं। एक तो यह लम्बा बहुत है और दूसरी बात इसमें जोश-खरोश नहीं है। तुम्हारी तकनीक ठीक है।” बुलबुल एक महान् समलोचक की राय सुनकर गद्गद् हो गई जिसने उसकी कला एवं स्वर टिप्पणी करने का कष्ट किया था। वह विनम्रतापूर्वक बोली, “मैं। अपने गीत में स्वर्गिक मधुरता का दावा नहीं करती, पर मैं इसे बदल भी नहीं सकती। यह कम से कम अनोखा तो है, मेरा अपना स्वर।” – उसकी विनम्रता से मेंढ़क का साहस बढ़ गया तथा उसने पक्षी के गायन पर तीखे प्रहार किये। उसने कहा, “तुम्हें इस बात पर अहंकार नहीं करना चाहिए कि तुम्हारा गायन मौलिक है और तुम्हारा अपना है। तुम्हें प्रशिक्षण की जरूरत है अन्यथा तुम सुधार नहीं कर पाओगी। मैं यहाँ का सबसे श्रेष्ठ प्रशिक्षण हूँ और मैं तुम्हें आवश्यक प्रशिक्षण देने को तैयार हूँ” बुलबुल को कुछ देर तक विश्वास ही न हो पाया कि उसने ठीक-ठीक सुना है। उसने इस प्रदाय को कृतज्ञतापूर्वक स्वीकार कर लिया तथा मेंढ़क की तुलना महान् जर्मन संगीतकार मोजार्ट से की जो एक नये रूप में उसके सामने आ गया था। किन्तु मेंढक ने यह स्पष्ट कर दिया, “मैं तुमसे छोटी-सी फीस अवश्य लूँगा किन्तु यह राशि तुम्हें चोट नहीं पहुँचायेगी।”
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इस वार्ता के बाद बुलबुल के मन में आत्मविश् स जाग गया। उसकी कला की प्रशंसा तथा जनता की रुचि ने उसे और अधिक जोश के साथ गाने को प्रोत्साहित किया। वह एक महान् सितारा बन गई। दूर-दूर से जीव-जन्तु उसके जादू भरे स्वर को सुनने के लिए आने लगे। मेंढ़क ने उसके मैनेजर के रूप में प्रत्येक श्रोता से प्रवेश शुल्क लेना शुरु कर दिया। अगली प्रातः मौसम गीला था। मेंढक प्रशिक्षण देने आ गया। वह बोली, “ऐसे बुरे मौसम में गाना मेरे गले के अनुकूल नहीं होता।” किन्तु मेंढक ने उसके विरोध को स्वीकार नहीं किया। वह बोला, “चलो हम दोनों मिलकर गायेंगे।” उसने सलाह दी कि एक दुपट्टा सर्दी से बचाव के लिए गले में लपेट लो। बुलबुल उसकी बुरी चाल को पहचान न सकी और उसने सुझाव स्वीकार कर लिया। दोनों ने मिलकर 6 घंटों तक अभ्यास किया, उसकी आवाज भारी और कंपनपूर्ण हो गई।
शाम तक उसके गले में कुछ सुधार हो गया। वह पूरी तरह से सो न पाने के कारण कुछ अस्वस्था हो गई थी। फिर भी वह गाने को सहमत हो गई क्योकि बत्तखों, उल्लुओं तथा अन्य जीवों का जमघट वृक्ष पर जमा हो चुका था। उसका साहस न हुआ कि अपने प्रशंसकों को निराश कर दे। मेंढ़क इन श्रोताओं का हर्ष तथा ईर्ष्या की मिलीजुली भावना से देखता रहा। यह पक्षी ही उसकी प्रतिद्वन्दी थी। उसकी रणनीति थी कि किसी प्रकार से बुलबुल को रास्ते से हटा देना।
हर रात एक संगीत की रात बन गई। मेंढक ने पक्षी के स्वर तथा उसकी लोकप्रियता का पूरा लाभ उठाया, फिर भी वह उसे डांटता रहा। वह बोला, “तुम अभ्यास और लम्बे समय तक किया करो तथा ऊँची आवाज में गाया करो जैसे कि मैं गाता हूँ।” उसने बताया, “कल रात अपने दूसरे गाने के दौरान तुम घबरा गई थी। तुम कोशिश करो कि दो संगीत की धुनें एक के बाद एक शघ्रता से तथा तथा बार-बार निकालो क्योंकि श्रोता यह सुनना चाहते हैं। श्रोताओं को वह सब कुछ दो जिसकी वे मांग करें तथा जिससे |
दीर्घकाल तक अभ्यास तथा गायन ने नाजुक पक्षी पर बहुत बुरा प्रभाव डाला। वह उदास तथा पीली पड़ने लगी। उसके स्वर तथा संगीत की गुणवत्ता गिर गई। श्रोतागण उकता गए। अनेक लोगों ने उसका गायन सुनने आने से इंकार कर दिया। आय कम हो गई पर धन से अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण बात यह थी कि उसके अहम् को ठेस लग गई। उसके कान तो तालियां सुनने के अभ्यस्त हो गए थे और अब रात को अकेली गाते रहने से उसे आनन्द नहीं मिलता था। उसके ढीलेपन से मेंढ़क नाराज हो गया। उसने उसे बहुत डाँटा तथा मूर्ख कहा। यह बोला कि अधिक ऊँचे स्वर में गाओ, जनता की मांग के अनुसार गाओ। बेचारी बुलबुल को डर लग रहा था कि कहीं लोग उसे तिरस्कृत न कर दें। उसने पूरे जोश के साथ गाने का प्रयास किया। परिणामस्वरूप उसकी नस फट गई और वह मंच पर ही गिरकर मर गई।
The Frog and the Nightingale Word Meaning
The Frog and the Nightingale Comprehension
Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow:
- Other creatures loathed his voice,
But, alas, they had no choice,
And the crass cacophony
Blared out from the sumac tree
At whose foot the frog each night
Minstrelled on till morning light
(i) ‘Why had the other creatures no choice?
(ii) When and how long did the frog sing?
(iii) How did the other creatures respond to his song?
(iv) Find a word from the above stanza for the following:
(i) There were no choice for other creatures because all the efforts
of other creatures to stop the frog from singing had failed.
(ii) The frog sang all night at the foot of the sumac tree.
(iii) The other creatures hated his voice.
(iv) ‘loathed’.
- Neither stones nor prayers nor sticks
Insults or complaints or bricks
Stilled the frog’s determination
To display his heart’s elation.
(i) How did the other creatures lay to quieten the frog?
(ii) Did they succeed in their efforts?
(iii) What was the frog determined to do?
(iv) What features of frog’s personality is revealed in these lines?
(i) The other creatures used request, insults, complaints, stones, sticks and bricks to quiet em the frog.
(ii) No, they did not succeed in their efforts.
(iii) The frog was wholly determined to sing all night.
(iv) He was obstinate.
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- Oh!’ the nightingale confessed,
Greatly flattered and impressed
That a critic of such note
Had discussed her art and throat:
‘I don’t think the song’s divine.
But-oh, well-at least it’s mine.
(i) Who is ‘the critic’ in these lines?
(ii) What had he said about the nightingale’s song?
(iii) How did the nightingale respond to his criticism?
(iv) What feature of the nightingale’s personality is revealed in these lines?
Answers: ‘
(i) ‘The critic’ is the frog.
(ii) He had said that the nightingale’s song was not so bad but it was unduly long. He had further said that the nightingale’s rendering was fine, but her song lacked force.
(iii) The nightingale was greatly flattered and impressed by his criticism.
(iv) She is submissive and perhaps brainless also.
- you must take your public happier,
Give them something sharper, snappier,
We must aim for better billings.
You still owe sixty shillings.
(i) Who does ‘you’ refer to?
(ii) What was the ‘you’ trying to achieve?
(iii) How was the speaker benefited in two ways?
(iv) Give words from the above stanza which are opposite in meaning to
(a) private’ (b) ‘worse’.
(i) ‘You’ refers to the nightingale.
(ii) ‘You’ was trying to achieve more perfection in the art of singing.
(iii) The speaker was benefited in two ways:
(a) He was charging admission fee from the audience and earned a lot of money.
(b) He became a unrivalled singer of the bog after the nightingale died.
(iv) (a) public (b) better
- And the ticket office gross
Crashed, and she grew more morose
For her ears were now addicted
To applause quite unrestricted,
And to sing into the night
All alone gave no delight
(i) Why had the ticket office collection fallen?
(ii) How did it affect the nightingale?
(iii) Who else was affected by it? And why?
(iv) Why was the nightingale no longer delighted to sing?
(i) The ticket office collection had fallen because fewer audience
would come now to hear her song.
(ii) The nightingale grew miserable.
(iii) The frog was affected by it because the ticket office collection would go into his pocket.
(iv) The nightingale now used to sing to a large audience. So, she was no longer delighted to sing alone.
- Well, poor bird-she should have known That your song must be your own.
That’s why I sing with panache:
(i) Why is the bird referred to as ‘poor’?
(ii) Who does ‘I’ stand for in these lines?
(iii) What lesson/moral is conveyed here?
(iv) Give a word from the above stanza for ‘a confident stylish manner.
(i) The bird is referred to as ‘poor’ because it came into the bogus talks of the frog and went on singing without caring for her body and voice.
(ii) T stands for the frog in the above lines.
(iii) We should keep away from selfish flatterers, crafty and Willy persons who think of their own benefit.
(iv) ‘panache’